Posted on Wednesday September 2, 2015
The ocean has been alive! August has been a thrilling month for sightings from our boat. No two trips have been the same and the unexpected has been the expected with our whale watching trips often extending into a full marine safari.
Noteworthy moments needing a mention are:
21 August 2015 : 6 Southern Right Whales feeding, this is rare in this area as this is known by science as their breeding ground and much further South is known to be their feeding grounds, with little to no feeding occurring on our shores, our science & research team is busy testing the water samples and we will know & share more soon.
26 August 2015 : Guest on-board who had their camera’s ready were not disappointed with the rare and never seen by Southern Right Charters before sighting of a Mako shark jumping multiple times.
28 August 2015: Only two days after seeing the Mako shark to our amazement we saw a breaching Thresher shark!
The Snoek season is also here, this local fish tasty on the braai has been keeping the ski-boats busy and our guests have been able to see them in action.
Mega-pods of common dolphins have been seen regularly during the month and lots of marine birds have kept our Birding enthusiast’s on-board entertained.
Dave De Beer, local author and photographer joined us whale watching for a number of these whale watching trips in August, we have put together a photo blog of some of his images that capture these moments and more. See Dave’s Photo Blog: Hermanus Whales